= 75*4
DB print(DB)
[1] 300
= 5*4
Dnase print(Dnase)
[1] 20
Sarah Tanja
August 15, 2024
December 3, 2024
4C14F, 5C14F = 45C14
4L4F, 5L4F, 6L4F = 456L4
4M9F, 5M9F, 6M9F = 456M9
4H4F, 5H4F, 6H4F = 456H4
4C9F, 5C9F = 45C9
4L9F, 5L9F, 6L9F = 456L9
This extraction was overall bad… The main difference was I re-introduced Proteinase K digestion (hoping to maintain RNA quality & integrity… But RNA quantity suffered A LOT (And I’m not measuring RIN… just crossing my fingers and sending it to Azenta)
date: 15-AUG-2024
kit: Zymo Quick-DNA/RNA Miniprep Plus Kit
Thaw samples to room temp
Vortex to mix
Transfer to Qiagin Tissue Disruption Tube
Homogenize for 2 minutes
Centrifuge 1 minute to get rid of bubbles
Split into two aliquots of 500uL & transfered to two new nuclease-free tubes
Proteinase K Digestion for 40 minutes at 55C
Added 700uL of DNA/RNA Lysis Buffer to each tube ( a total of 1400uL volume in each tube )
Vortex to mix for 5 seconds
Check to see that embryos have dissolved and liquid is clear
—> Proceed to purification
Sequentially transfer 2800uL of each sample in aliquots of 700uL into yellow Spin-Away Filter in a Collection Tube and centrifuge for 30s. SAVE THE FLOW THROUGH FOR RNA PURIFICATION by tipping flow through into falcon tube
Doubled volume of 100% (200 proof) ethanol to the RNA flow through in a falcon tube and vortexed to mix. End volume of flow through + ethanol = 5mL
Sequentially transfer RNA flow-through + ethanol in volumes =>700uL into the green Zymo Spin IIICG Column in a Collection Tube
Saved 1st 1400uL for protein
This took 7 passes!
Performed DNase I Treatment on green RNA spin column
Warmed Zymo DNase-RNase Free Water to 55C in heat block before elution, and slowly dripped water directly over filter.
eluted DNA volume: 30uL in Zymo DNase-RNase Free Water
eluted RNA volume: 30uL in Zymo DNase-RNase Free Water
I spoke with Azenta rep on morning of 15-Aug-2024 and learned that they don’t require a Nanodrop quality check, just a Qubit double-stranded quantity measurement by flourescence. The target is 100ng of total RNA, in a minimum of 20uL of buffer. So from here on out I’m just checking quantity using the Qubit and the Invitrogen High Sensitivity (HS) RNA assay.
Using the Invitrogen Thermo Fischer RNA High Sensitivity Assay Kit.
Prepared working solution for 3 samples and two standards:
Qubit RNA HS reagent in DMSO = 1uL * 5 = 6uL
Qubit RNA HS Buffer = 199uL * 5 = 1194uL
standard 1: 94.63
standard 2: 1803.97
RunID: 2024-08-16_074027
sample_id | qubit_rna_1 | qubit_rna_2 |
45C14 | 8.70 ng/uL | 8.88 ng/uL |
456L4 | too low | too low |
456M9 | too low | too low |
456H4 | too low | too low |
45C9 | too low | too low |
456L9 | 8.34 ng/uL | 8.22 ng/uL |
RNA samples are stored in -80C ‘JPG Lab’ Thermo freezer on shelf 1 in coral-embryo-leachate RNA
wax freezer boxes with green label tape:
DNA samples (not quantified) are stored in -20C in JPG Lab FSH 236 in shelf 2 in coral-embryo-leachate DNA
wax freezer box with yellow label tape:
Protein flow-through (not quantified) are stored in -20C in JPG Lab FSH 236 in shelf 2 in coral-embryo-leachate PROTEIN
wax freezer box with blue label tape: