= 75*10
DB print(DB)
[1] 750
= 5*10
Dnase print(Dnase)
[1] 50
Sarah Tanja
August 21, 2024
December 3, 2024
1C14F, 2C14F, 3C14HF = 123C14
8M9F, 9M9F = 89M91
7H4F, 8H4F, 9H4F = 789H4
10L14F, 11L14F, 12L14F = 101112L14
10L4F, 11L4F, 12L4F = 101112L4
10L9F, 11L9F, 12L9F = 101112L9
13M4F, 14M4F, 15M4F = 131415M4
13H9F, 14H9F, 15H9F = 131415H9
1 Sample 7M9F resulted in no surviving embryos and therefore we had no saved material for that vial
Overall success! Decent Total RNA from all samples, even the one that was only pooled with 2 instead of 3 crosses. Sample 89M9 had a smaller starting volume in DNA/RNA Shield and therefore fewer passes through each of the DNA and RNA filters. Total process with 8 samples takes about ~5 hours of bench time.
This uses the Zymo Quick-DNA/RNA Miniprep Plus Kit and unless otherwise specified here, follows the M. Capitata Embryo DNA/RNA Extractions Protocol. All centrifugation ocurred at 14800rpm/16,162 xg.
Thaw samples to room temp
Transfer and pool samples to one Zymo BashingBead Tube
Homogenize for 10 minutes
10 min Zymo BashingBead Tube
Centrifuge for 1 min to get rid of bubbles
Check for complete lysis of embryos
Supernatent is clear!
Transfer 2 550uL aliquots of cleared supernatent to one new nuclease-free tube
Centrifuge for 1 min to pellet any beads
Split cleared supernatent into two aliquots of 530uL & transfer each aliquot to a new nuclease-free tube
Add 530uL of DNA/RNA Lysis Buffer to each tube ( a total of 1060uL volume in each tube )
Vortex to mix for 5 seconds
—> Proceed to purification
Sequentially transfer each sample in aliquots of 700uL into yellow Spin-Away Filter in a Collection Tube and centrifuge for 30s. SAVE THE FLOW THROUGH FOR RNA PURIFICATION by tipping flow through into spare collection tube (15mL Falcon Tube)
Doubled volume of 100% (200 proof) ethanol to the RNA flow through in a falcon tube and vortexed to mix. End volume of flow through + ethanol = 4.2mL
Sequentially transfer RNA flow-through + ethanol in volumes =>700uL into the green Zymo Spin IIICG Column in a Collection Tube. This should take 6 ‘spins’
Saved 1st 2 spins (1400uL) for protein tube. Once collected place in -20 freezer.
Performed DNase I Treatment on green RNA spin column
I didn't invert to mix... I always lose some volume 'beads' in the lid when I do this. Instead I flicked the tube to mix it and kept all the volume down in the conical end of the tube. This worked well and I had a full 80uL of treatment per spin column to work with!
eluted DNA volume: 50uL in Zymo DNase-RNase Free Water
eluted RNA volume: 50uL in warmed (55C) Zymo DNase-RNase Free Water
I upped the elution volume from 30 to 50 for RNA because I wanted to make sure the nuclease-free water volume was enough to saturate the whole filter and get the RNA from it… The minimum volume in the kit instructions is 50uL… And I do have an RNA Clean & Concentrator kit that allows me to reduce that if needed. As long as total RNA is at least 100ng, we’re good. That means that qubit value (ng/uL) times the elution volume.
Using the Invitrogen Thermo Fischer RNA High Sensitivity Assay Kit.
Prepared working solution for 6 samples and two standards (plus some extra) in a 5mL tube:
standard 1: 94.53
standard 2: 1590.87
RunID: 2024-08-22_0621012
2 The Qubit date is ahead by 1 day (and I haven’t figured out how to set it straight yet)
sample_id | qubit_rna_1 | qubit_rna_2 |
6.64 ng/uL | 6.64 ng/uL |
9.12 ng/uL | 9.10 ng/uL |
11.0 ng/uL | 11.0 ng/uL |
7.22 ng/uL | 7.08 ng/uL |
12.5 ng/uL | 12.5 ng/uL |
11.4 ng/uL | 11.4 ng/uL |
13.6 ng/uL | 13.8 ng/uL |
10.6 ng/uL | 10.5 ng/uL |
RNA samples are stored in -80C ‘JPG Lab Thermo’ freezer on shelf 1 (top shelf) in coral-embryo-leachate RNA
wax freezer boxes with green label tape.
DNA samples (not quantified) are stored in -20C in JPG Lab FSH 236 in shelf 2 in coral-embryo-leachate DNA
wax freezer box with yellow label tape.
Protein flow-through (not quantified) are stored in -20C in JPG Lab FSH 236 in shelf 2 in coral-embryo-leachate PROTEIN
wax freezer box with blue label tape.